22 research outputs found

    Transmedia and Robert Wilson’s Art

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    Transmedia and Robert Wilson’s ArtRobert Wilson’s works have been discussed here in the historical-artistic context of the 20th century and in reference to the modern theories of the media, which use such terms as “transmediality” and “media landscape”. The intermedial model of arts has been exhausted and there has appeared the problem of transmediality, as well as such issues like transcegenity, transinstrumentality, transperception and even transcompetence of art. Technologies which developed in the 20th century and media codes, redefined and new, provoked a change of thinking about the theatre and every other art which uses various instruments.R. Wilson – like other artists who exist in the transmedial net – sees the theatre through audiovisual arts and film; he does not introduce them to his performances but uses their tools and specific narrations characteristic for the arts.Robert Wilson’s works have been discussed here in the historical-artistic context of the 20th century and in reference to the modern theories of the media, which use such terms as “transmediality” and “media landscape”. The intermedial model of arts has been exhausted and there has appeared the problem of transmediality, as well as such issues like transcegenity, transinstrumentality, transperception and even transcompetence of art. Technologies which developed in the 20th century and media codes, redefined and new, provoked a change of thinking about the theatre and every other art which uses various instruments.R. Wilson – like other artists who exist in the transmedial net – sees the theatre through audiovisual arts and film; he does not introduce them to his performances but uses their tools and specific narrations characteristic for the arts

    Video-Remediations: From Transmission Medium to Data Landscape. Three Phases of Video-Remediations

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    The chapter reflects on the impact of video and video art from the 1960s on contemporary art forms a cultural paradigm of dynamic reality. Originally, the video format was remediating the reality of TV and film production and initiating a democratization of the medium, till the 1990s and further, when video, we argue, started a revolution that emancipated digital devices after which they themselves became a part of a digital world in which we live in. From then on remediations happen not only within the media, but also on a deeper, interconnected levels of digital reality. If one cannot talk about mediations without remediations, then every mediation is always already remediating the mediated world

    AnthropoTechne Art

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    Interview with Agnieszka Jelewska by Monika Włudzik and Witold Wachowski

    Sztuka antropotechniczna

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    Wywiad z Agnieszką Jelewską. Rozmawiają: Monika Włudzik i Witold Wachowski

    Wiktoriański modus melodramatyczny w kontekście teatru masowego epoki

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    Tematyka artykułu opiera się na wiktoriańskim modusie melodramatycznym w teatrze masowym epoki. Tekst, jak zaznacza Autorka, jest jedynie „pierwszym słowem”, zbiorem myśli i możliwych ścieżek pomocnych przy analizie zagadnienia, które to zagadnienie w polskich badaniach teatrologicznych praktycznie nie funkcjonuje.Studia składające się na niniejszy tom powstały w ramach projektu badawczego KBN „Teatr masowy – teatr dla mas” nr H01E 038 26 realizowanego w Katedrze Dramatu i Teatru Instytutu Teorii Literatury, Teatru i Sztuk Audiowizualnych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Wydanie książki zostało sfinansowane ze środków Wydziału Filologicznego Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Tech Imaginations

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    Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter, Christoph Borbach, Max Kanderske und Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil sind Herausgeber der Reihe. Die Herausgeber*innen der einzelnen Hefte sind renommierte Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem In- und Ausland.Technologies and especially media technologies are pervasive in modern societies. But even more omnipresent are the imaginaries of modern technologies – what technologies are thought to be capable of or what effects they are supposed to have. These imaginations reveal a lot of the political and ideological self-descriptions of societies, hence the (techno-)imaginary also functions as a kind of epistemic tool. Concepts of the imaginary therefore have experienced an increasing attention in cultural theory and the social sciences in recent years. In particular, work from political philosophy, but also approaches from science and technology studies (STS) or communication and media studies are worth mentioning here. The term "techno-imagination", coined by Vilém Flusser in the early 1990s, refers to the close interconnection of (digital) media and imaginations, whose coupling can not only be understood as a driver of future technology via fictional discourses (e.g. science fiction), but much more fundamentally also as a constitutive element of society and sociality itself, as Castoriadis has argued. In the first part of the issue several theoretical contributions add new aspects to the discussion of socio-technical imaginaries, while in the second part a workshop held in January 2022 at the CAIS in Bochum is documented, in which the case of the imaginaries of “Future Internets” was discussed